“Maximize Your Sales and Marketing ROI with Advanced Analytics – Backed by KEPLER Consulting Expertise​​”

People Analytics, also known as workforce analytics, has emerged as a powerful tool for HR professionals to make evidence-based decisions and drive organizational success. It enables organizations to gain valuable insights from scattered employee data from various sources, utilizing advanced data analytics techniques. With People Analytics, organizations can make data-driven decisions regarding talent acquisition, performance management, employee engagement, and workforce planning.

By leveraging the power of advanced data analytics, organizations can uncover hidden patterns and trends in their workforce, optimize HR processes, and enhance employee productivity and satisfaction. People Analytics revolutionizes the way organizations manage their people, leading to improved business outcomes and a competitive edge in the market. It enables HR professionals to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions that enhance the employee experience, ultimately driving positive outcomes.

Our Core Expertise In People Analytics

  • Ensuring data accuracy and consistency across various HR systems and databases
  • Managing data privacy and security to comply with regulations
  • Establishing standardized data governance policies and procedures
  • Integrating data from multiple sources and platforms
    Resolving data discrepancies and maintaining data integrity
  • Data Accuracy and Consistency: Implement data validation and verification processes to ensure accurate and consistent HR data across systems
  • Data Privacy and Security: Develop robust data privacy protocols and implement security measures to protect sensitive HR data
  • Data Governance Policies: Establish standardized policies and procedures for data governance to maintain data integrity and compliance
  • Data Integration: Implement data integration solutions to seamlessly combine HR data from various sources and platforms
  • Data Discrepancy Resolution: Identify and resolve data discrepancies through data cleansing and reconciliation processes
  • Converting complex HR data into visual formats that are easily understandable and engaging
  • Identifying relevant key metrics and determining the best visualization techniques
  • Creating compelling narratives and stories to communicate data-driven insights
  • Balancing the need for simplicity with providing comprehensive information
  • Ensuring visualizations align with the intended audience and purpose
  • Visual Data Representation: Transform complex HR data into visually appealing and understandable formats using interactive dashboards and visualizations
  • Relevant Metrics and Visualization Techniques: Identify key HR metrics and employ suitable visualization techniques to effectively communicate insights
  • Compelling Data-driven Stories: Create engaging narratives and stories around HR data to effectively communicate insights and drive action
  • Simplicity and Comprehensiveness: Balance simplicity and comprehensiveness in visualizations to provide actionable HR insights
  • Audience-specific Visualizations: Customize visualizations to align with the intended audience and purpose of the HR analytics
  • Identifying the factors that contribute to employee turnover and retention
  • Analyzing historical data to understand patterns and trends related to churn
  • Developing predictive models to forecast employee attrition risks
  • Assessing the effectiveness of retention strategies and interventions
  • Providing actionable insights to improve employee engagement and retention

Employee Turnover Analysis: Identify factors contributing to turnover using data analysis and develop targeted retention strategies
Historical Data Analysis: Analyze historical data to uncover patterns and trends related to employee churn and retention
Predictive Attrition Modeling: Develop predictive models to forecast employee attrition risks and take proactive measures
Retention Strategy Evaluation: Assess the effectiveness of retention strategies and interventions through data analysis
Actionable Insights for Engagement: Provide actionable insights to improve employee engagement and retention

  • Assessing the impact of training and development programs on employee performance and skill development
  • Identifying skill gaps and training needs within the organization
  • Analyzing training effectiveness and return on investment
  • Designing personalized learning paths and development plans for employees
  • Tracking the progress and outcomes of training initiatives

Training Needs Assessment: Analyze HR data to identify skill gaps and training needs within the organization
Training Effectiveness Analysis: Evaluate the impact of training programs on employee performance and skill development
ROI of Training Programs: Assess the return on investment of training initiatives through data analysis
Personalized Learning Paths: Design customized learning paths and development plans for employees based on their specific needs
Progress Tracking: Monitor the progress and outcomes of training initiatives through data tracking and analysis

  • Mapping and analyzing formal and informal relationships within the organization
  • Identifying key influencers, collaboration patterns, and communication channels
  • Assessing team dynamics, information flow, and collaboration effectiveness
  • Uncovering bottlenecks and opportunities for improved knowledge sharing and innovation
  • Leveraging network insights to drive organizational change and performance improvement

Organizational Network Analysis: Map and analyze formal and informal relationships within the organization to optimize collaboration
Key Influencers and Communication Channels: Identify key influencers, collaboration patterns, and effective communication channels
Team Dynamics Assessment: Evaluate team dynamics, information flow, and collaboration effectiveness through network analysis
Knowledge Sharing Optimization: Identify bottlenecks and opportunities for improved knowledge sharing and innovation
Network-driven Performance Improvement: Leverage network insights to drive organizational change and enhance performance

  • Designing effective employee surveys and feedback mechanisms
  • Analyzing survey responses to measure employee satisfaction, engagement, and sentiment
  • Identifying areas of improvement based on employee feedback
  • Benchmarking survey results against industry or internal standards
  • Linking survey data to business outcomes and performance metrics

Effective Employee Surveys: Design employee surveys and feedback mechanisms that capture relevant insights
Sentiment Analysis: Analyze survey responses to measure employee satisfaction, engagement, and sentiment
Actionable Feedback: Identify areas of improvement based on employee feedback and provide actionable recommendations
Benchmarking and Comparison: Compare survey results against industry or internal benchmarks for meaningful insights
Linking Surveys to Business Outcomes: Establish connections between survey data and business outcomes to drive performance improvement

Industries We Serve

Personal Care

Unleash the potential of personal care industry with cutting-edge analytics!


Drive into the future of the automobile industry with analytics at the helm!


Revolutionize healthcare with insights from the forefront of data analytics!

Private Equity

Revolutionize private equity performance with the strategic use of analytics and big data.


Packaging that delivers - elevate your brand with data-driven analytics!


Empower your energy business with data-driven insights and advanced analytics technologies.


Harness the power of analytics to improve aerospace operations and customer experience.


Transform defense operations and decision-making with cutting-edge analytics technologies.


Unlock the full potential of railway transportation through the power of analytics.


Unlock the full potential of retail sales and profitability through strategic use of data analytics.

Personal Care

Unleash the potential of personal care industry with cutting-edge analytics!

Private Equity

Revolutionize private equity performance with the strategic use of analytics and big data.


Harness the power of analytics to improve aerospace operations and customer experience.


Drive into the future of the automobile industry with analytics at the helm!


Packaging that delivers - elevate your brand with data-driven analytics!


Transform defense operations and decision-making with cutting-edge analytics technologies.


Revolutionize healthcare with insights from the forefront of data analytics!


Empower your energy business with data-driven insights and advanced analytics technologies.


Unlock the full potential of railway transportation through the power of analytics.


Unlock the full potential of retail sales and profitability through strategic use of data analytics.
