“Maximize Your Sales and Marketing ROI with Advanced Analytics – Backed by KEPLER Consulting Expertise​​”

Sales and Marketing Analytics boosts the decision-making and performance of your sales and marketing activities by leveraging data. Using data mining and business intelligence techniques, we bring you valuable insight into customer behavior, marketing effectiveness, and sales performance.

Effective sales and marketing analysis requires high-quality data and appropriate analysis tools. The insights gained from this approach can improve profitability, build customer loyalty, and generate competitive advantage in your market.

Our Core Expertise In Sales & Marketing Analytics

  • Dispersed customer data across various systems hinder a comprehensive view
  • Poor segmentation leads to ineffective targeting and personalized messaging
  • Incomplete understanding of customer journey impacts campaign optimization
  • Difficulty in identifying high-potential leads, leading to inefficient resource allocation
  • Inaccurate sales predictions hinder resource planning and revenue projections
  • Inefficient allocation of marketing resources across channels and segments
  • Unified Customer Data Integration Solution: Integrate data sources, creating a unified customer profile for segmentation and analysis
  • Personalized Campaign: Utilize advanced segmentation techniques for more accurate categorization and personalized campaigns
  • Enhancing Insights: Implement attribution modelling to trace touchpoints, enhancing insights for tailored strategies
  • Lead Scoring model: Implement lead scoring models to prioritize leads, ensuring optimal use of sales resources
  • Sales forecasting: Develop robust sales forecasting models based on historical data and market trends
  • Resource optimization: Analyze data to determine optimal resource distribution, ensuring campaign effectiveness
  • Difficulty in monitoring product performance and portfolio insights
  • Challenges in optimizing pricing, promotions, and ROI for diverse product offerings
  • Challenges in optimizing pricing, promotions, and ROI for diverse product offerings
  • Category Management Cockpits: Implement 360-degree monitoring and data mining tools for real-time insights
  • Experienced Expertise: Leverage strong experience in building category management cockpits for informed decisions
  • Data-driven Decisions: Utilize advanced analytics to extract actionable insights and enhance decision-making processes
  • Lack of comprehensive data for competitor analysis
  • Slow analysis due to manual data collection and processing
  • Expensive resources for data acquisition and analysis
  • Multi-Source Data Scraping: Utilize strong data scraping tools to gather diverse market information
  • Efficient Computing: Employ advanced computing techniques for quicker data analysis
  • Cost-Effective Approach: Reduce expenses by leveraging automated tools for data collection and analysis
  • Tailor loyalty offers based on purchase history and behavior analysis
  • Implement predictive analytics to segment customers and personalize rewards
  • Employ real-time analytics for timely adjustments and personalized engagement
  • Customer Preferences Insights: Leverage data insights to create personalized loyalty rewards aligned with individual preferences
  • Effective segmentation: Utilize predictive models to segment customers accurately and deliver targeted incentives
  • Real-time Insights: Deploy real-time analytics for instant feedback on loyalty program effectiveness and optimize strategies
  • Integrate data sources for a unified view of customer journey across channels
  • Align marketing messages across channels for a seamless customer experience
  • Use advanced attribution models to accurately measure channel contributions
  • Data Modelling: Implement a data integration strategy for holistic customer journey insights
  • Consistent Messaging: Develop omnichannel marketing strategies to ensure consistent brand messaging
  • Attribution Modelling: Employ advanced attribution models to allocate credit accurately to each channel for informed decisions
  • Measuring the impact of different marketing channels on conversions and sales
  • Identifying the best relevant targets for personalized marketing campaigns
  • Assessing the investment ratings of online advertising and Google Analytics data
  • Contribution Analysis: Implement advanced attribution models to accurately measure the contribution of each channel
  • Segment Analysis: Utilize predictive analytics to segment and target audiences based on behaviour and preferences
  • ROI Evaluation: Develop a unified dashboard that integrates and visualizes data for better ROI evaluation

Industries We Serve

Personal Care

Unleash the potential of personal care industry with cutting-edge analytics!


Drive into the future of the automobile industry with analytics at the helm!


Revolutionize healthcare with insights from the forefront of data analytics!

Private Equity

Revolutionize private equity performance with the strategic use of analytics and big data.


Packaging that delivers - elevate your brand with data-driven analytics!


Empower your energy business with data-driven insights and advanced analytics technologies.


Harness the power of analytics to improve aerospace operations and customer experience.


Transform defense operations and decision-making with cutting-edge analytics technologies.


Unlock the full potential of railway transportation through the power of analytics.


Unlock the full potential of retail sales and profitability through strategic use of data analytics.

Personal Care

Unleash the potential of personal care industry with cutting-edge analytics!

Private Equity

Revolutionize private equity performance with the strategic use of analytics and big data.


Harness the power of analytics to improve aerospace operations and customer experience.


Drive into the future of the automobile industry with analytics at the helm!


Packaging that delivers - elevate your brand with data-driven analytics!


Transform defense operations and decision-making with cutting-edge analytics technologies.


Revolutionize healthcare with insights from the forefront of data analytics!


Empower your energy business with data-driven insights and advanced analytics technologies.


Unlock the full potential of railway transportation through the power of analytics.


Unlock the full potential of retail sales and profitability through strategic use of data analytics.

Want To Connect With Our Sales & Marketing Expert Team?